Facilitation And Professional Development

Empowering professionals and companies to thrive with unique coaching, boosting job satisfaction and talent retention.


Alexandra Phillips Consulting offers unique coaching and professional development experiences that help professionals level up and companies retain top talent.  We help companies to create a more dedicated workforce by helping employees to increase their job satisfaction and feel more excited to go to work in the morning.


High-performing teams are the bedrock of any company’s success.

A fractured team will torpedo an organization’s success, while a fluidly operating team will ensure it.

We offer a variety of team and group coaching programs that move teams from a place of reactive busy-ness to one of creative problem-solving.  We have helped with small and large re-organizations, mergers and acquisitions, and change management.


Select workshops and programs include:


Creating artistic habits of mind for success

The habits of artists can be harnessed for success in the business world.  In order to start from a blank page and create a novel, an artist has to think differently.  We’ll show you how to bring that same skill to your business endeavors.  (This can be a one-off workshop or a series of seven workshops which focus on seven distinct artistic habits.)

Dynamic leadership

What does it mean to be an agile leader?  Do you just say that you want collaboration, or do you truly inspire it?  Can you and your team pivot and thrive when faced with challenges, or are you prone to calcification?  Learn how to fluidly adapt and evolve through a mindset shift away from reactive leadership and to inherently creative leadership.


Increasing emotional intelligence

Learn how to expand your empathic abilities to get the most out of your team and colleagues. Whether you’re managing up, down, or across, we can help you to improve your ability to see situations through the eyes of those you interact with.


Mindset shift: Attracting abundance

Uncover the blocks that we unconsciously put in our way that keep us from attracting abundance.  When we can see those blocks, it’s much harder for them to get in our way ⎯ and we free up the path for an equal exchange of affluence and abundance.

Workflow and time-blocking for success

Learn how to use your time more effectively.  In this workshop, we’ll explore habits like time- blocking, start-of-work and end-of-work rituals, and choosing the most effective moments in your day for each task.


Creating a team mission statement and branding

Do you know your team’s unique value proposition?  In this workshop, we will create your team’s mission statement, which will help every member of your team to have a clear focus on your collective purpose and position your team for its next big project.

In the second part of this workshop, we will clarify your team’s personal brand.  We’ll explore the question, “How do you want other people to talk about you as a team?”  First, we’ll clarify your personal values, because only when you know those values can you begin to create the authentic messaging around those values.

Powerful listening and communication skills

Learn how to employ powerful questions that allow people to think about challenges from new perspectives.  In the moments when you feel stuck, drawing on these skills will help to open doors.