Purposeful Organizational Development

Lead with Purpose. Strategic development for Impactful Leadership


You want your organization to Collaborate, Think Strategically, & Create Impact.

But what does that mean and how does it manifest itself in everyday life?  In the abstract, those phrases are just business platitudes.  So, to move your organization beyond platitudes, you need to truly champion innovation by fostering an environment where things are allowed to get messy.

At Alexandra Phillips Consulting, we Foster innovation through collaboration, strategic thinking, and impactful action—where getting messy unlocks greatness.

You’ll walk away from our work with an organization that is crystal clear on its purpose, executives who drive impact, and teams who take action.

What we do

We help organizations uncover their purpose and to clearly know who they are here to serve.  With this knowledge, your organization will have a clear metric for its success and it’ll pursue that success with greater wisdom and force.

How do we do it?

We take the time to listen to what is not being said

to uncover blocks

and to return excitement and joy to the workday.


What you get

You’ll walk away from our work with an organization that is crystal clear on its purpose, executives who drive impact, and teams who take action.

Alexandra is a fantastic group coach. She coached our group on starting our individual businesses. Her coaching helped me find clarity on which steps I need to take, and how to tackle obstacles that came my way. Alexandra created a supportive and energizing environment where our ideas were flowing. She kept us engaged throughout the process and pushed us to think beyond our normal thought-frame. It was an exhilarating experience and I found the exercises we did invaluable for the progress of my enterprise.

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